A recent study from the Office of National Statistics (U.K.) found that 48% of adults felt they were struggling with a poor work-life balance – states engage-education.com

Most teachers struggle to achieve an ideal balance between work and life. The challenge of preserving a social life while working as a teacher remains difficult, but one must take the initiative to achieve this balance. Recognizing the lack of  balance in one’s life is the first step to solving the issue. Teachers’ daily tasks such as correcting papers and planning lessons are sometimes inevitably required to be done at their own time at home, which will drain the teacher and leave no time for relaxation and rewinding. Usually with the high demands of the occupation, teachers often find themselves burnt out, leading to poorer performance and reduced motivation. This will not only affect their careers, but their social life and health, so it is necessary to find a balance that works for the teacher. The following are some tips to achieving this balance.

Ways To Ensure Work-Life Balance As a Teacher


Prioritize Tasks

Instead of giving each task equal significance, teachers must create an effective system to help them prioritize. Not all tasks need to be urgent, and neither are they equally important. If there are opportunities to work as a team on a task or delegate with fellow staff members/teachers must do so. The focus must be on tasks that need to be done urgently followed by tasks that are less significant.

Schedules are Important

Creating a schedule for work life is necessary to reduce the stressors of work and define exactly what needs to be done. Dedicating time to create a work calendar will ensure that teachers outline time that is needed for the job and in turn, the time that can be dedicated for personal life. This calendar can include lunch dates, dinners, time with friends, and teaching tasks for the next month. Not only does this save time, but it also keeps one focused on finishing tasks per schedule.

Constant Improvement

Teachers should invest in continuous training and development in order to obtain the necessary skills to complete tasks efficiently. Completing tasks with less effort and time means that they will get to have more time for themselves.

Boundaries and Camaraderie

Although constant communication and boundaries may seem like opposites, they are necessary for a work-life balance. Teachers must make sure to set personal, physical, and professional boundaries and prevent overworking. Moreover, they must build a camaraderie with fellow teachers to work as a team whenever needed. 

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